Vintage old hard drive data recovery is a process of moving or extracting valuable data from old HDD. From time to time, old laptops pop up and users want their data extracted for variety of reasons. Many times such laptops just will not power on or hard drives are dead. Other cases we had laptops damaged physically. This is where QUBEX engineers step in. Following example is COMPAQ laptop is from mid 1990’s and was stored since it has failed to boot. User wants their precious data – documents, photos, notes etc.
The drive is QUANTUM DAYTONA 510MB capacity, with DOS installed. At that time 510MB of storage was enormously huge! This drive contained only about 150MB of data. Luckily, damages were outside of user area and allowed 100% data extraction. Other drives on picture are similar cases. Their models are: QUANTUM GO DRIVE GU85AT 85MB capacity. QUANTUM EUROPA EU810AT 810MB capacity. IBM OEM IBM-H2344-A4 344MB capacity. IBM OEM designed for APPLE COMPUTER INC model: IBM-H2172-S2 160MB capacity. SEAGATE ST9235AG 210MB capacity.
If you have old hard drive or vintage computer and need data recovered call QUBEX. Our engineers will be happy to help you. You can stop by and bring your computer in or you can mail it in. If you will be mailing it in, please be sure to talk to us first. We will instruct you on best way to ship it to avoid transit damages. Submit request below or on QUBEX “Contact Us” page. Facebook users can contact us from here